Your Impact, Amplified: Sponsor IconSWM-CE

Sponsorship Categories:

Particulars Title Partner Platinum Partner Diamond Partner Gold Partner Silver Partner
Sponsorship Cost in INR (+18% GST) 20 lakhs 10 lakhs 7.5 lakhs 5 lakhs 3 lakhs
Sponsorship Cost in USD (+18% GST) 30,000 15,000 11,250 7,500 4,500
No of sponsors in each category 1 3 5 7 10
Keynote speaker slots Y Y
Plenary/Technical session speaker slots Y Y Y
Exhibition Stall 4 2 1 1
Dedicated Media Wall Y
Awards branding Y
Campus Branding Y
Lanyards branding Y Y
Mention in media coverages Y Y
Brand recognition & prominent positioning Y Y
Corporate AV Y Y
Research Track Branding Y Y Y
Panel Discussion Slot Y Y Y
Branding in F&B area Y Y Y
Standee Space Y Y Y
1 full page colour Advt in the Conference Proceedings Y Y Y Y
Speaker Slot for pre-conference webinar/chat series Y Y Y Y
Social Media Promotions Y Y Y Y
Brochure Inserts Y Y Y Y Y
Conference kit branding Y Y Y Y Y
Emailer Promotions Y Y Y Y Y
Logo in conference proceedings Y Y Y Y Y
Announcement of company’s profile multiple times Y Y Y Y Y
Branding on conference website Y Y Y Y Y
Delegate passes 15 10 8 5 3

Exhibition Stalls
Stall sizes (sqm) Octonorm - 6, 9, 12, 18, 36 | Tariff: INR 8,000/USD 120 per sqm. + GST

Your sponsorship will help us facilitate meaningful discussions and knowledge sharing, enabling us to drive forward the concepts of the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) and circular economy. Together, we can shift from the linear economy of extract-produce-consume-dispose-deplete (EPCD2) to a system that champions the efficient utilization of resources, aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals, and promotes environmental sustainability.

Ready to make a lasting impact? Join us as a sponsor for the 13th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management and Circular Economy. Your support is not just an investment in the conference – it's an investment in our planet's future.

Contact us today to learn more about sponsorship opportunities and how you can contribute to this meaningful cause.